Monday, March 18, 2013

machine workouts are boring as F'K

 The plan I had ain't working. LOL  Due to  busy season at the globo the workout regiment has changed. The diet is going fine. I was a little moody the first two weeks but I have a cheat meal sat night and Sunday night. But I must say I've learned I hate vegetables and I am not a fan of many fruits. I like strawberries ,bananas ,apples,grapes and not too much else. I only like spinach and string beans. I am a meat and potatoes kind of girl:) So sweet potatoes are my friend right now. So are protein shakes, tuna fish , and eggs. My diet doesn't have a shit load of variety because truthfully I just don't want or need it. If I have something different its because I'm out of my usual not because I am looking for it . I rotate between a few things its just easier in terms of packing and prepping.Oh and I carry my blender everywhere.

I am Getting leaner but no real weight change on the scale. I tell my clients all the time that the scale does not always move right away and they never believe me but its true. Usually I'll start leaning out after about 3 -4 weeks.That's just the way my body works . But once it gets going it goes.
With my current work schedule, cardio sessions are non existent. I use the same intensity in my  my globo workout as I do in my crossfit workouts to get the cardio effect. So I am 15 weeks out from the June 29th show.

The 18 hour work day is not helping at all, so I've come to the conclusion I have to do workouts in between clients in 30  min intervals just to get it done and rest when I need it .  I am going to try this for the next three weeks and see what happens.

But on a different note how the hell do people do machines day in and day out . Before crossfit I was boxing so I was doing more functional stuff because that's just how most fighters have always trained. Then before that I did a decent mix of both because I taught group fitness and danced .But this shit is boring. LOL I am making itunes rich right now ! Machines drive me nuts & I am bored out my mind , so I try to get through it like an AMRAP! So I can be done with that shit!

Moving forward and not looking back ! Get fit or die trying LOL

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