Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sort kinda figuring it out

So after meeting with my long time friend and fitness mentor of 15 years  Stacy Simons , talking to my fav Oly girl/gymnastics coach  (Sammy ) and looking at my retarded work schedule with all my clients. I sorta kind have a plan until after the open and then I'm gonna have to restructure the whole shit all over again:)

The times are all over the place but here it is :
Mon 7am cardio/ 1pm Oly
Tues legs 7 am/ 2pm cardio
Wed off
Thurs 7am Cardio / Metcon or upperbody 2pm
Fri Cardio 10:30 am /2pm skill work for crossfit
Sat Open WOD
Sun  Legs
So this week will be a test run New nutrition Plan start tomorrow. Yeeeeeeah no... not really !!!

If anything good happens I'll let you know :) Remember training for lifestyle and sport are two different things. Pics next week !

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