Thursday, February 21, 2013

Back to the world of figure/physique

So everyone knows I love crossfit. Before crossfit  there was boxing & before boxing there was figure for me. 3 completely different was of training and competing . So after a long drawn out process and about 2 weeks of deliberation , I'm going back to body sports.

Am I leaving crossfit? NO! I am interested to see what happens when the worlds of aesthetic and function meet . The cool thing about crossfit is we don't care how you look . Crossfitters just care about what you can do. Body sports are purely about what you look like.

I do have to go back to doing boring isolated movements again. I haven't done a bicep curl in like 3 years . Truthfully it just might  be to much with a restrictive diet and the way I like to now workout and train. Who knows.  But nothing beats a failure but a  whole hearted try .Of course I make this decision during the Crossfit Open . Everyone knows open workouts are tough and I might be to tired to do any damn thing:)

By putting this out there! It gives me a different level of accountability. The figure show I did in   2005 went OK:/  The  figure show I did in 2007 was absolutely disastrous. Everything that could have gone wrong did, lost luggage, peaked 2 weeks to early, flattened out the day of the show & crazy water retention . It was all sorts of craziness. I Still haven't decided if I want to figure or physique yet , but I have time.I'm looking at going from 160lb down to 140lb over the course of 14 weeks. 140 is a little light in the ass for me  LOL . I am still going to work on my crossfit game because that's just who I am and what I do.  My lightest competition weight was 146 so 140 is a stretch .I'm always up for a challenge. So stay tuned for pictures & updates!
Get fit or Die !!!!

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