Sunday, May 5, 2013

There is no fitness fairy , no magic pill

There is no fitness fairy or magic pill. In the event that I find it, I will be sure to package the pills and capture the fairy. Find a way to sell you both and become a billionaire overnight . LOL until that time we all have to work hard and stop making excuses.

 The Crossfit Open! I thoroughly enjoyed my open experience. I am definitely better than last year. I felt stronger.  My mental toughness and tolerance have greatly improved. I definitely went places in my head that are dark, ugly and quite frankly down right demonic. You have to be out your mind to want to crossfit , so yes I am f'n crazy ...LOL

April training schedule very few days off
Secondly, Mayhem in the Meadowlands. That was my first team competition and it was awesome. I normally am not a fan of the team thing. I'm hate relying on people but there are definite benefits to team crossfitting. I hate squat cleans ;) Lady T and Jsax are amazing athletes and human beings. I would compete with these ladies again any day !

Lastly, I'm about 10 weeks out from my physique competition and I'm feeling good. The hardest part is just  fitting it all in. Working out whenever I have a free moment seems to be the formula. I train between 8-12 clients a day so it's hard but late night cardio has truly been part of the answer. It's whatever works. I have a progress picture below and I have not lost that much weight truthfully.It's about achieving the look I need to win. In this first 8 weeks I've only lost 8 lbs. It hasn't even been a pound a week . More like a pound 1 week and  no weight loss for two weeks then 3 pounds randomly .That's why I tell you it's not about the number on the scale. I'll post my diet in the next blog, because a lot of people have been asking me.
Also I will be posting a lot of good workouts in the next couple of months to get you last minute people ready for summer as quickly as possible:)

Check out my you tube channel-divarichardsfitness in the coming weeks as I will be posting full body in home workouts .Also follow me on Instagram-divarichardsfitness as I will be posting various exercises there. Find your fitness, change your life ! Get after it !

Progress-slow steady consistent.




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    1. Thank you for reading .I do really appreciate it !
