Sunday, March 31, 2013

How much are you willing to sacrifice ?13weeks out


 I'm tired . I've been working 18 hours days and  sticking to my diet. I am just taking it one day at a time. The immediate goal is to get through every day both nutrition & workouts .
 I keep a big wall calender in addition to my note book . This helps me see the big picture. It helps me see patterns in my workouts, body parts, skill work etc to see what I missed. Since my legs were fried from the wall balls 13.3 WOD I could only do cardio and stretch Finally :)  I guess that was the fitness gods way a making me do it .

As of today I am officially 13 weeks out. Initially starting 18 weeks out was good for me . I am a slow starter LOL.  It usually takes me 3 weeks to establish a rhythm.  So the June 29 Th show is perfect for me.  The crossfit open is coming to a close, so I am getting ready for the next two competitions. Mayhem in the meadowland April 21, the Tracey Greenwood Classic on June 29th and a return to Beasts of the East in October.

I wish I could tell you the shit is easy but it's not. It just requires work. At the end of the day it's about how much work you are willing to put in to reach your goals . Everyone doesn't want to work out twice a day , pack all their meals, sacrifice time with friends ,family to get things done. But it's temporary discomfort for a greater reward.

The system of working out in between clients is working . I get things done , body part here , skill work there .It's gone a lot smoother the past 2 weeks .
I will say some days I don't feel like it but I remember :
Only thru sacrifice will you achieve success.You have go where others won't go and do what others won't do to truly reach your greatness.
Get after it fam ,

Sunday, March 24, 2013

13.3 The day Diva died

So last year this f'n wall ball wod came up and I was terrified ! All things I do well( except Muscle ups) but the damn volume.....UGH!!!

12 min amrap
150 wall balls
90 double unders
30 muscle ups

At this point last year it was  more about my squat depth . But what actually happened was I did the wall balls picked up the jump rope and collapsed. No legs at all !Couldn't even jump ! Crazy ! So this year my biggest fear happened again , I'm stronger better conditioned athlete and still once I got to 120 wall balls I was numb in the legs . Once I got to 150 . I could barely walk and again the legs did not work .13 double unders was all my legs could do . Once I heard time I just dropped on the floor and could not move for at least 20 min. Not really sure of the time because I was out of it .So all jokes aside at some point in that WOD I just died and had some weird out of body experience.

 My body kept going but I could not  hear or see anything except  the ball & the wall.
There is this really dark place you go to sometimes. When I used to box I went there a lot . It feels like life or death. Death is failure and life is survival and finishing the work to the best of your ability. Lady T told me that at some point I left my body.She said I looked like a punch drunk boxer that was just conditioned to move. Her re-enactment is quite funny , I might get her to do it on camera :) What sucks is twice now I have been defeated by the f'n wall balls and they didn't allow me to get through my double unders which are  normally cake .

How do we fix it !
I have to increase my lactic acid threshold.Which means I have to get used to more volume and be able to recover faster. There are 3 different types of muscle fibers...... Screw the technical shit!  My muscular endurance sucks and needs to improve if I want to become a better crossfitter.

 I honestly could not stand up  for 30 min and my friends had to pick me up off the floor( thanks J sax & lady T) was a little scary . I think everyone thought I was gonna die. Ok, not really but Doc tony definitely did:) LOL

I know my capabilities & how to create a plan and stick to it! Sometimes you hear a lot of people yelling and telling you to go ,but you gotta stick to the plan . Just like boxing ,you have to fight your fight. Thank you Abby, Knight and who ever else was around , honestly can't remember:) , for keeping me on point and helping me fight my fight !
 If I'm gonna get better at this shit I gotta get comfortable in that dark place. It is what it is ! 3.2.1 Go!

Monday, March 18, 2013

machine workouts are boring as F'K

 The plan I had ain't working. LOL  Due to  busy season at the globo the workout regiment has changed. The diet is going fine. I was a little moody the first two weeks but I have a cheat meal sat night and Sunday night. But I must say I've learned I hate vegetables and I am not a fan of many fruits. I like strawberries ,bananas ,apples,grapes and not too much else. I only like spinach and string beans. I am a meat and potatoes kind of girl:) So sweet potatoes are my friend right now. So are protein shakes, tuna fish , and eggs. My diet doesn't have a shit load of variety because truthfully I just don't want or need it. If I have something different its because I'm out of my usual not because I am looking for it . I rotate between a few things its just easier in terms of packing and prepping.Oh and I carry my blender everywhere.

I am Getting leaner but no real weight change on the scale. I tell my clients all the time that the scale does not always move right away and they never believe me but its true. Usually I'll start leaning out after about 3 -4 weeks.That's just the way my body works . But once it gets going it goes.
With my current work schedule, cardio sessions are non existent. I use the same intensity in my  my globo workout as I do in my crossfit workouts to get the cardio effect. So I am 15 weeks out from the June 29th show.

The 18 hour work day is not helping at all, so I've come to the conclusion I have to do workouts in between clients in 30  min intervals just to get it done and rest when I need it .  I am going to try this for the next three weeks and see what happens.

But on a different note how the hell do people do machines day in and day out . Before crossfit I was boxing so I was doing more functional stuff because that's just how most fighters have always trained. Then before that I did a decent mix of both because I taught group fitness and danced .But this shit is boring. LOL I am making itunes rich right now ! Machines drive me nuts & I am bored out my mind , so I try to get through it like an AMRAP! So I can be done with that shit!

Moving forward and not looking back ! Get fit or die trying LOL