Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I do crossfit and now my jeans don't fit !

"I do crossfit and now my jeans don't fit"

So it's a comment I have heard  in many of the boxes that I frequent. I've also seen this in news feeds on twitter, facebook, and various blogs.So this is just my take on the issue.

Crossfit is about fitness not physical aesthetic . It's about function and the bodies ability to do it all:)So most programing it's created for the masses of a the box ,not individual.

So sometimes what happens is people get in the best shape of their life but look the same. Like any fitness regiment you can not reap the benefits without proper nutrition.
Yes, you can you lift heavy and get lean . But poor nutrition will kill any and all results.

There is a lot of responsibility left on the athlete/client.You have to take control of your fitness.Crossfit is small group training. If what the group is doing does not work for you seek out answers from your coaches to guide you in the right direction.

Being a personal trainer for 15 years I can tell you that some people get amazing results from a group situation and others don't. If your goal is to enhance your fitness then general programing will work for you. If your goal is  (a look) you may want to tailor the programing to fit your needs. Consider doing some  private sessions with your coach, do your research and ask questions.

This is in no way bashing crossfit. Everyone knows the kool-aid is in my veins. This is just my opinion. I definitely want to be the best athlete I can be.But ...... I Crossfit to look good naked :) All jokes aside just be clear on your goals #Get after it. Officially open for discussion.


  1. I do Crossfit...and now eat well too. Yeah, its true, my clothes don't fit SO, I bought new ones and will continue to CrossFit forever! AND yes...looking better naked is a PLUS+++

  2. Before I did Crossfit, my jeans didn't fit because I was overweight. After nearly 2 years of doing Crossfit, I do have to buy certain brands to fit my nearly "200 pound ass" (so named not for my body weight, but for my target back squat) and muscular thighs, but I actually take pride in these parts of my body now instead of trying to hide them. You can always buy new jeans, but you can't buy looking good naked at any store! ;)
