Sunday, March 4, 2012

Athletic Zen

So after being run down and in bed for two days with god knows what, I wonder whether I should risk becoming more ill and be there for my team and compete in last competition day of the first week of the Crossfit Games.

To most people there is an obvious answer to this question, but if you are a true athlete and hunger for competition, then my answer won't surprise you. I'm doing it ! There is a point in all athletic performance where you reach a Zen-like state of mind, a place where the body transcends the mind and all you do is breathe and move.

It's almost like an out of body experience where your normal self watches your athletic self in a state of awe "like so that's what the next level looks like." It's a weird feeling. The activity becomes a "movement meditation" and through it your athletic self and normal self find different levels of growth .

Of course I'm writing this before I go in to do the first WOD, as many burpees as possible in seven minutes, but it's an all too familiar feeling.

I know going in, I'm exhausted, and tired as hell. I am  prepared to breathe, pace, let my body do the motions, and step outside of myself .

There comes a point where you become present in your athletic reality but remove all limitations. I go into to every athletic event with the mindset of giving it all "to death." You do it to the point of no return. There is this part of me that truly believes there is a life rhythm you have to be in touch with  to do the inevitable; not to the point of injury, nor am I talking about being reckless and stupid. I am talking about pure, efficient movement; flawless; god like; and to perfection. This is what I strive for in my athletic endeavors; pure, efficient movement. Conquering and controlling the movement of the body is so great and powerful it can be challenged no more than the most simplistic mathematical equation.


  1. In true Diva style, I wouldn't have expected anything less. How'd it go?


  2. I ended up doing only 74 burpees but considering how sick I was not bad. I didnt pass out so that was a plus:)
