Thursday, November 27, 2014

5 Ways to Avoid Overeating on Thanksgiving

OK everybody loves Thanksgiving . We all  tend to eat a little too much at holiday dinners. The average weight gain between Thanksgiving and New years is 7- 10 pounds. So here's a few tricks to get you through the beginning of the holiday season.

1. Eat a little before you go
So because most of us wait all day for the insane amount of carbs we are about to consume. We tend to eat everything as if we have never eaten before and will never eat again.
If you eat a little before you for a example , protein shake , a protein bar small salad. You wont be so ravenous and eat a weeks worth of calories in 30 min .

2. Drink something
So drink a glass of water before you even eat, to help make you feel full.
If no water is available vodka is completely acceptable. LOL (ok maybe not) But you get the point.

3. You don't need 3-4 plates of food
Some of the holiday dishes are just that holiday dishes. So you don't get them everyday. But do not need 4 servings of sweet potatoes casserole. Its good I know, but calm your ass down . Sit down fill you plate and make a plate to go. It's perfectly acceptable.

4. Left Overs
You don't not need a weeks worth of leftovers. Thanksgiving is one day. No one should be eating thanksgiving until Christmas...( you know I'm talking to you! ) LOL

5. Take a walk
Take a walk in between courses to help with digestion. It will also give you a moment away from the table to catch up with family and friends.

Fitness is a way of life for all of us. But there's nothing wrong with enjoying life pleasures occasionally . Eat up but not to the point you're in a carb comma. LOL


Sunday, November 9, 2014

30 min workout Week 1- Featured on Fox GoodDay Philadlphia

So as the holidays approach I was asked the question " How can we avoid the traditional holiday weight gain?"
Below is a 30 min workout if done 2-3 days per week that help ward off those unwanted pounds.
Just 30 min  of physical activity will help you maintain and/ or improve your overall fitness.
For the next 8 Mondays of 2014  I will post a 30min workout that can be done in home with minimal equipment to help you stay at your best.Each workout will contain a  6 Part focus:
-Lower Body 
Also a Nutrition focus.

Each section is 4 rounds (1 minute of work and 30 seconds rest) ( 6 min per section ) This means your working intervals should be intense as possible and try to only rest on the rest interval. You can download a round timer app on your tablet or smartphone to keep track.If no round timer do 4 sets of (15reps-beginner to 30 reps Advanced )

1.Cardio jump rope or jumping jack
-Cardio intervals used to warm up the body and get the metabolism going. 4 rounds

2. Lunges - Alternating forward Lunges with a 90 degree angle in both legs.
- strengthens entire leg  (quadriceps hamstrings Glutes )4 rounds

3.Upper Body 
-Push-ups regular or modified( chest and triceps) 2 rounds

-Band rows for the (back and biceps ) 2 rounds

4.ABS - Crunches - 2 rds & Bicycles -2rds  Obliques (4rounds total)

5. Flexibility 

 -Down ward dog (1round)

-Upward dog (1round)

 -Lying on back bringing Knees into the chest (1round)

-Low back stretch twisting (1 round) 30 sec each side

6.Nutrition - Avoid office snacking  by having healthy options at your desk. Good examples are  fruit, nuts and granola to name a few options. Water and hot tea always great options to assist in curbing hunger:)

Total working time 30 min
Just a little bit of work everyday will get you  closer to your goals.

Make sure to follow me on-
Instagram : Divarichardsfit
Facebook: Diva Richards