Sunday, August 11, 2013

This F'k'n knee brace , 2 months No squats

So before I get asked what happened a million times I'm just gonna answer it now.
I don't believe  in feeding energy into negative things. It kind of like when you have a cold and everyone says " aww are you sick " By the time you answer the question for the 50th time you feel like shit cause everyone reminds you about how ill you are...LOL I hate that shit .

I was supposed to do a figure competition and I had to pull out. I started having problems squatting.Let's be honest I couldn't bend my knee and could barely walk .  My  psoas was acting up and it got to the point that everyday walking was it was down right painful. So I want to see Dr. Eric Nelson . He is F'kn awesome .  We figured out that i had asome major imbalances on my right side that could all be contributing to the pain. So every week we would work one thing at a time and  the muscular pain I was feeling decreased drastically. I still had this insane burning sensation in my knee. It would come and go but when It came it was f'kn awful.

 I get an MRI and  go to the orthopedic doctor.  It comes back that I have very little to no cartilage in my right knee. I mean I figured I had some nasty arthritis, it does run in my family  but WTF man. He tells me there are  4 stages of wear and tear . Guess what stage I am ? Yup stage f'kn 4 the worst one.

So I ask the ortho doctor what does this mean . He tells me I  have  3 options . 2 of which require surgery  (microfracture or cartilage transplant ). They both would require 6-8  months recovery ( ain't nobody got time for that ). The other would be an injection that provides fluid like solution for the knee to reduce friction and allow me to go back to normal somewhat.

 To be honest I just f'kn cried . I had no idea it was so bad . I have the knee of like an 80 year old arthritic woman. So then orthopedic doctor  asked what sport did I play and how some one so young had such a jacked up knee.

 I played  basketball middle and high school . I was a professional dancer (modern dance and hip hop) age 16 til 33.  I just recently stopped because it was just  becoming too much .  I would be do freezes and floor work and it would take me 3 days to recover . Different  muscles and different conditioning. Then there is 15 years of teaching aerobics and 8 years  as an amateur boxer.

 So 20 years of over lapping sports and to be honest this is my first real Injury and I guess it ain't that bad. Hell I've been crossfitting 2 years and no issues go figure.( knock on wood)

So long story short It took me a couple of days to get my mind right and realize its not the end of the world. Anyone who has played any sport knows not being able to perform feels like death. I know that people have come back from worst. I refuse to believe that I can't come back from this 100%. I must say not being able to walk was a huge reality check. There are days when I literally could not bend my knee or even get out of bed .So what does this mean . 

Well , this means I have to adjust my training and find ways to continue to do what I love. I still got a lot of crossfitting to do and "no stinking injuries stopping me from doing that" I will never be able to fix it . Joints don't  grow back . There are was to stimulate new cells but I don't play that surgery shit. We'll take the less evasive measure and go from there . If it gets to a point where I can't manage it  I'll do what's necessary . But I'm done talking about it and focusing on squatting again . I have no legs . I've been hitting all my lifts from the hang mostly .I can do everything in Crossfit but squat &  run . Rowing hurts sometimes just depends on the day . 
Done talking. Moving on . Hard work, No excuses . 

 Team train smarter , not harder